
Kirsp Aviation


Kirsp Aviation, a dedicated business unit of Kirsp Consultants, offers specialized high-profile inspection services using aircraft and UAV’s (drones). Our licensed pilots bring extensive experience and expertise to ensure precise and reliable inspections.

Our Services:

Aerial Inspections: High-quality visual inspections using aircraft for a comprehensive view.

Drone Inspections: Precision UAV inspections for detailed and hard-to-reach areas.

Post-Processing: Collaboration with our network of skilled engineers for advanced data analysis and interpretation when necessary.

Our Strengths:

Licensed Pilots: Our team includes certified professionals with extensive experience in aviation.

Advanced Technology: Utilization of cutting-edge UAV and aircraft technology for superior inspection services.

Expert Network: Access to a pool of highly skilled engineers proficient in HPC and AI for enhanced post-processing capabilities.

Contact Us:

    EMEA HQ Office:
    Galjoen 22-29
    8243 LM LELYSTAD